Dv'laa Haa~ At earthprint technologies we strive to be the leaders in bringing "Best Of Breed" technologies to Indian Country. Dedicating the time to understand the needs of each community. As a native owned company we understand every tribe is different and the needs unique to each territory. Earthprint Technologies has spent the past four years in the development of carrier grade wireless technologies. earthprint technologies is an OEM partner with the Datasat group of companies.
earthprint is one of a consortium of native owned companies serving Indian Country. Between all of our companies we provide a full service solution for all your communications needs.
earthprint is staffed with professionals who possess decades of Tribal business development and communications industry technical expertise. Working cooperatively with your community, we have the capacity to provide integrated solutions that fit your needs.
EnerTribe (our sister company) brings all of the elements together with our comprehensive approach to setting up a community owned Communications Company. We provide industry intermediary services and project management for all elements of your broadband project including licensing certifications, network engineering design, permitting, vendors/procurement, construction, and training of community members to manage operations and maintain facilities.